Resource type
Seismic, deformation, magnetic and weather Network
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Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP), Université de Paris
Publication year
FDSN network code
Network name
Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory Network (Reunion Island) (OVPF)
Collected : 1980-01-01

La Réunion
N: -20.85 S: -21.40 E: 55.85 W: 55.20


Observatoire Volcanologique Du Piton De La Fournaise (OVPF)
Institut De Physique Du Globe De Paris (IPGP)
The three main missions of the Piton de la fournaise volcano observatory (OVPF) are 1) to observe and study volcanic phenomena through real-time volcano monitoring, 2) to conduct research programs, and 3) to communicate, disseminate and inform authorities and civil society. These real-time observations and research can contribute to the prevention, and mitigation of seismic and volcanic risks. The main objective is to collect geological, geophysical and geochemical data over long periods of time to improve the understanding and modelling of volcanic processes at active volcanoes, to allow the systematic elaboration of long-term multi-parameters databases available to the scientific community, and to inform the authorities in charge of civil protection of any change in the volcano activity and after periods of local and regionally felt earthquakes. These missions can be done thanks to the PF network.
The permanent PF network is composed of stations geographically distributed mainly on the Piton de la Fournaise volcano edifice, and on a broader extension on the whole La Réunion Island.
The stations all share the following features:
(1) power: solar panels and battery, or sometimes national electricity company, (2) telemetry: radio, wifi, 4G, or internet link, and (3) sensors: seismometers, tiltmeters, extensometer, and weather sensors. Some of the stations are multi-sensors.
Ground sensors are well coupled with the ground, and the environmental insulation is ensured by insulating foil and plastic box, or by installation in natural or anthropic vaults, or inside boreholes (3 of the 10 tiltmeters).
Most of the time, sensors are separated from the electronics in order to avoid any electric, magnetic and thermal mutual influence.
Seismometers are broadband Güralp CMG3-ESP compact, Nanometrics Trillium Compact posthole 120s, or short period L4-1Hz.
Tiltmeters are IPGP "home-made" BLUM tiltmeters, Spectron tiltmeters or Applied Geomechanics LILY self-levelling borehole electrolytic tiltmeters - sampling rate of 1 min or 1 s. They are installed by pairs.
Extensometers are "Telemac" instruments, REPP model.
Rain gauges are "Precis-mecanique" and Vaisala products.
A few stations are run and owned both by OVPF and the University of La Réunion.
All data are disseminated in miniSEED and stationXML FDSN formats. Seismic data of this network are disseminated both in real time (raw data) and after validation.
Observatoire Volcanologique Du Piton De La Fournaise (OVPF), & Institut De Physique Du Globe De Paris (IPGP). (2008). Seismic, tiltmeter, extensometer, magnetic and weather permanent networks on Piton de la Fournaise volcano and La Réunion. Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP), Université de Paris.

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Data size
In 2016, approximately 57 operational stations (41 seismometers, 10 tiltmeters, 3 extensometers, 3 rain gauges), greater than 2-3 GBytes per day. Magnetic stations have been stopped in 2003.
Data format
miniSEED for seismic and low-rate geophysical data
FDSN stationXML for seismic and low-rate geophysical metadata
Data access


Is Part Of
  • Institut De Physique Du Globe De Paris (IPGP). (2021). Data collection of the volcanological observatory of Piton de la Fournaise. Institut de physique du globe de Paris (IPGP).
Is Documented By
  • Peltier, A., Bachèlery, P., & Staudacher, T. (2009). Magma transport and storage at Piton de La Fournaise (La Réunion) between 1972 and 2007: A review of geophysical and geochemical data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 184(1–2), 93–108.
  • Brenguier, F., Kowalski, P., Staudacher, T., Ferrazzini, V., Lauret, F., Boissier, P., Catherine, P., Lemarchand, A., Pequegnat, C., Meric, O., Pardo, C., Peltier, A., Tait, S., Shapiro, N. M., Campillo, M., & Di Muro, A. (2012). First Results from the UnderVolc High Resolution Seismic and GPS Network Deployed on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano. Seismological Research Letters, 83(1), 97–102.
  • Peltier, A., Ferrazzini, V., Di Muro, A., Kowalski, P., Villeneuve, N., Richter, N., Chevrel, O., Froger, J. L., Hrysiewicz, A., Gouhier, M., Coppola, D., Retailleau, L., Beauducel, F., Gurioli, L., Boissier, P., Brunet, C., Catherine, P., Fontaine, F., Lauret, F., … Ramsey, M. (2020). Volcano Crisis Management at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion) during the COVID-19 Lockdown. Seismological Research Letters, 92(1), 38–52.

Stations in this network

Network code Station code Station name Latitude Longitude Elevation (m) Type Start End Channels
PF ADV Ferme solaire Adam de Villier Ste Rose -21.14 55.79 135 Seismology 2017-06-27 2021-09-01
PF BLE Station Sismologique du piton Bleu -21.16 55.56 1655 Seismology 2015-04-23
PF BOB Station Sismologique de Bois Blanc -21.2 55.82 67 Seismology 2004-09-01 2016-09-15
PF BON Bory Nord -21.24 55.71 2552 Seismology 2011-05-09
PF BOR Station Sismologique de Cratere Bory -21.25 55.71 2540 Seismology 1989-01-01
PF C98 station sur la coulee de 1998 -21.2 55.74 1639 Seismology 2020-12-03
PF CAM College de Cambuston -20.93 55.65 15 Seismology 2013-07-10
PF CAS Station Sismologique Piton des Cascades -21.18 55.83 155 Seismology 2005-09-01
PF CFN Cratere Fontaine -21.24 55.74 1872 Seismology 2023-11-29
PF CIL Cilaos (Pompiers) -21.13 55.47 1223 Seismology 2012-12-05
PF CPR Station de Camp Pierrot (CTEEGI) -21.05 55.47 1070 Seismology 2020-07-15
PF CRA Crac -21.22 55.76 998 Seismology 2011-05-16
PF CSS Enclos Sery Sud -21.25 55.68 2193 Seismology 2011-05-05
PF DOD Source Barroi, Dos d Ane, La Possession, La Reunion Island -20.98 55.39 1080 Seismology 2021-04-07
PF DSM Station Sismologique de Dolomieu Sud Ouest Master -21.25 55.71 2517 Seismology 2015-06-17 2018-06-06
PF DSO Station Sismologique de Dolomieu Sud Ouest -21.25 55.71 2517 Seismology 2007-05-29
PF ENO Station Sismologique Enclos Nord Ouest -21.24 55.7 2240 Seismology 2012-11-22
PF EOL Station Sismologique des Eoliennes -21.16 55.81 150 Seismology 2004-09-01 2015-11-22
PF FEU Station Sismologique du Phare Saint Philippe -21.33 55.8 50 Seismology 2007-04-01
PF FJS Station Sismologique de Faujas -21.23 55.72 2123 Seismology 2011-01-01
PF FLR Station Sismologique de Flanc Est -21.24 55.73 1947 Seismology 2011-01-01 2020-04-05
PF FOR Station Sismologique de Chateau Fort -21.26 55.72 2049 Seismology 2011-01-01
PF FRE Station Sismologique des Fonds de la Riviere de l'Est -21.2 55.7 1775 Seismology 2013-06-06
PF GBS Grandes pentes coulee 1943 bas -21.27 55.78 471 Seismology 2011-05-16
PF GPN Grandes Pentes Nord -21.24 55.75 1413 Seismology 2011-05-16
PF GPS Grandes Pentes Sud -21.27 55.76 1004 Seismology 2011-05-16
PF HDL Station Sismologique de Hubert Delisle -21.25 55.79 242 Seismology 2011-01-01
PF HIM cratere Himiltrude -21.21 55.72 1958 Seismology 2011-05-09
PF LAC Station du college Auguste Lacaussade (Salazie) -21.04 55.53 595 Seismology 2019-12-17
PF LCR Station Sismologique de la crete -21.34 55.67 660 Seismology 1989-01-01
PF MAID Maido (Observatoire) -21.08 55.38 2169 Seismology 2015-06-05
PF MAT College Henri Matisse -21.3 55.45 141 Seismology 2012-01-01
PF MVL Musee Villele -21.06 55.26 443 Seismology 2012-12-12
PF NSR Station Sismologique de Nez Coupe de Sainte Rose -21.21 55.72 2035 Seismology 2002-02-14
PF NTR Station Sismologique de Nez Coupe du Tremblet -21.28 55.74 1900 Seismology 1989-01-01
PF OBS Plaine des Cafres- Observatoire Volcanologique -21.21 55.57 1550 Seismology 2014-01-30
PF PBR Station Sismologique du Piton des Basaltes -21.22 55.65 2420 Seismology 1989-01-01
PF PCR Station Sismologique de la Plaine des Cafres -21.21 55.57 1540 Seismology 2001-10-08
PF PER Station Sismologique du Piton de l'eau -21.19 55.69 2085 Seismology 1989-01-01
PF PHR Station Sismologique du Piton Hubert -21.25 55.67 2280 Seismology 1989-01-01
PF PJR Station Sismologique de piece jeanne -21.23 55.4 800 Seismology 2006-04-28
PF PRA Puys Ramond -21.29 55.71 2009 Seismology 2013-08-20
PF PRO La Providence (ONF) -20.9 55.45 157.3 Seismology 2012-05-30
PF PVD Station du Piton Parvedi -21.26 55.74 1694 Seismology 2020-11-26
PF RER Station Sismologique de Riviere de l'Est -21.17 55.74 834 Seismology 1989-01-01 2020-02-07
PF RMR Station Sismologique de roche merveilleuse -21.12 55.48 1475 Seismology 1998-11-05 2014-07-28
PF RVA New RVL station 2020 -21.26 55.7 2231 Seismology 2020-11-24
PF RVL Station Sismologique de Rivals Ouest -21.26 55.7 2110 Seismology 2011-01-01 2018-04-27
PF RVP Riviere des pluies -20.97 55.49 352 Seismology 2022-09-01
PF SFR Station Soufriere -21.24 55.71 2530 Deformation, Weather 2001-10-08
PF SNE Station Sismologique de Soufriere nord est -21.24 55.72 2505 Seismology 2011-01-01
PF TEO Station Sismologique de Theophane Begue -21.35 55.71 460 Seismology 2009-08-20
PF TKR Station Sismologique de Takamaka -21.31 55.76 1000 Seismology 1993-01-01
PF TTR Station Sismologique de piton trois tetes -21.19 55.78 856 Seismology 2002-08-05
PF TXR Station Sismologique de piton textor -21.19 55.64 2150 Seismology 1996-10-07
PF VIL Cratere Villele -21.28 55.72 1806 Seismology 2011-05-16 2021-04-16