The GNSS station data of the IPGP Volcanological and Seismological Observatories (OVS) are available as part of the EPOS-GNSS infrastructure from a GLASS node at the following address: (web interface of the GLASS node IPGP-GNSS)
Help on using GLASS can be obtained through the Help button (top right of the interface)
More specifically, data from the different GNSS networks of IPGP's OVS are available via the following links:
Data are provided in the standard RINEX format:
Automated download of RINEX data is recommended using the pyglass tool, developed in association with the GLASS infrastructure. A python3 version is available in a dedicated repository branch.
The metadata of the stations in Sitelog IGS and GeodesyML formats are available on the M³G portail developed within the EPOS project.
Data quality monitoring of the node is available through the EPOS-GNSS RINEX data quality monitoring portal. It provides:
Advanced users can access the GLASS-API Framework API at the following address: